You’re at the Botswana Team Blog

We will now refer to it as the B-Team, similar to the A-Team but without the van and the chains (anyone? no? ok)

We will only be able to check the blog every other day but keep the posts coming!

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24 Responses to You’re at the Botswana Team Blog

  1. Hunter Goins says:

    i thought we were getting a van????

    • Anonymous says:

      Hey Hunter…let us know asap if ‘everyone’ got their luggage. I know you know what that is like. Give love to Rachel and Mom. Praying for the team. our love to everyone.

  2. Lue English says:

    Praying for ya’ll!

  3. Bob Hausenfluck says:

    ” I love it when a plan comes together”— an A-Team quote :>))

    8:10 a. m. – just completed a top of the hour prayer that God’s plan for these two weeks comes together within each of you.

    Have a wonderful experience.
    Bob H.

  4. Ann-Elise Nicholas says:

    Wow, Botswana!! and yes I remember the A-Team – hoping you will not be as corny as they were!! So glad I was sent your blog site by Donnie Thompson so I can pray for you and the people you are there to meet! God has a perticular plan for each of you please ask Him daily what you need to know or do for that day. God bless you, Ann-Elise Nicholas

  5. LaVerne Saunders says:

    I don’t know any “inside” jokes, but, I’m praying for you all! (I have Hope’s rock displayed to remind me).

  6. Rachel Saunders :) says:

    Ya’ll are in my thoughts and prayers and i know God is watching over each and every one of you! I wanna see some cool pictures and i know i will hear plenty of AMAZING stories ๐Ÿ™‚ I CAN’T WAIT!!! Keep warm and safe and meet some cool people! Remember…if you embarrass yourself, you will never see them again so it’s okay!! Haha but anywaysssss i will continue to blog hopefully while i’m in Pennsylvania so keep posting stuff!! A shout out to all my home girls!! Love ya’ll..and guys. sorry but the loving is only for my sistasss ๐Ÿ™‚ but ya’ll are kinda cool too ๐Ÿ˜€
    Love, Rachel!!!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Rachel….hope the trip was a great one and that everyone got their luggage. Remember the rubber band I gave each one of you. Be flexible.. Grandmother

  8. Gloria Evans says:

    Hi Danis,

    I am praying for you and the “B” Team! Got my little “Danis Rock” on my desk to keep me praying!

    Prayed for you all to have a safe journey, good health and stamina, and that all of the luggage made it to Botswana! And, will be praying the Lord puts the words on your tongue as you share Jesus with the people of Africa!!

    God bless and keep you all!!!!



  9. Linda McNally says:

    Hey Team,

    Prayers continue for you at every turn. I am delighted you are there to minister to His people. May God continue to bless your journey. Love, Linda McNally

  10. Rachel Saunders says:

    I’m going to try and blog as much as possible!
    Soooo if all is going as planned, I was talking to Rachel about when ya’ll will actually be there and it’s TODAY!!! Oh how exciting ๐Ÿ™‚ i hope ya’ll are there safe! I’m thinking and praying as much as possible for this to be such a great 2 weeks! And like my momma said, hope! we have your rock so it reminds me of africa everytime i go to brush my teeth and wash my hands in the bathroom haha ๐Ÿ™‚ i’m sure it’s really nice weather..compared to 100 plus everyday in the ville!!! :/ but it’s okayyy!! well i’m rambling but i just wanted to say hello! Bye for now…till i blog again!!
    Love, Rachel!

  11. Scott Gillespie says:

    B-Team and Megan Gillespie. We continue to pray for you all. Aunt Ruth has been telling all the family on Chincoteague that you are in Botswana. Great Grandma’s church is also praying for the team. Listen to GOD ! Be safe !

    Love Mom and Dad ! oh and Raymond too.

  12. Linda McNally says:

    Hey Team–It’s wonderful to hear you are at your destination and enjoying being showered upon with food and fellowship. Thank you, Lord, for your watchful care over these precious ones. We at home will continue to pray. I’ll look forward to your updates tomorrow. Blessings and more blessings!! Linda McNally

  13. The Terpay Family says:

    We’re praying for you!

  14. Linda McNally says:

    Hey Team,

    Our choir family had a circle prayer for all of you last night. I hope you felt our hearts. May your day today continue to be one of joyous celebration as you continue to use your hands and hearts for HIM! Love, Linda McNally

  15. Susan Harris says:

    Hello Botswana Team
    Praying for your safe trip…
    Praying for opportunities to share God’s word…
    Praying for a time of a life time…
    Can not wait to hear about the trip.

  16. Linda McNally says:

    Hey Team,

    First off I wanted to say something to Bryan—“What a beautiful note to Penny you wrote on the blog after your phone conversation got cut off. Awww!!” Then…I’m so excited to hear God is beautifully working through the hearts and hands of the Team. What an incredibly awesome thing to hear from you. Love & prayers to you all. Linda McNally

  17. Scott Gillespie says:

    Megan – We are praying for you in between vacation activities – ha ha. Chincoteague has been a blast. We have gone fishing, to the beach, boat rides, putt putt, rented scooters and rode all over the Island, Pony Penning auction (no we did not bid on a horse) went to the carnival a few times. We played bingo and won (raymond twice, Mom once, dad 3 times). I hope you are having a good time and being used by GOD !

    Love you!~ Mom, DAD and Raymond – Gillespie

  18. Linda Gillespie says:

    Megan…which pair of shoes were tasty? ๐Ÿ™‚ We missed you on vacation. It was pretty weird not having you with us, but I know the Lord wanted you to go to Botswana! Praying for everyone.

    I love you!

  19. Scott Gillespie says:

    Megan – we booked a room at the same hotel to go back again next year to vacation there. We had a blast. You would have loved the scooters we rented and rode all over the Island. I know you are having fun. Did you bring more than one pair of shoes? WOW… I am surprised a dog would go near your shoes… PU.. lol. Have your team pray for Greg Garrett (one of your supporters).. as his brother died this week and went to be with Jesus.

    We miss you and are looking forward to you coming home.
    Love DAD

  20. Linda McNally says:

    Hey Team–I’ve been out of commission for a few days so I haven’t written you, but that in no way means you haven’t been on my heart and in my prayers these past days. It is so awesome to read how God is moving and working in your lives as you are obedient to His will on your lives to “Go.” May His blessings be abundant during this week. My love to you all! Linda McNally

  21. Linda Gillespie says:

    Megan –

    We love you! Dixie and Mo says hi and send their love as well!!! xoxoxo
    We can not wait to hear more about this God experience. Everyone is in our prayers everyday.

    Love, Dad and Mom

  22. Linda McNally says:

    Hey Team–Well, it’s Thursday and almost time for you to return to “us.” My heart has been so touched by reading the posts of your time away, and thank God for the opportunity that was yours to go and share His love and His Word. This experience will be embedded in your hearts for a lifetime. I can’t wait to hear you share your stories with us. Thank you for representing Cool Spring in such a beautiful way! See you soon. Much Love, Linda McNally

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