Shocking Developments…

Today was our second official day of ministry!  The day before yesterday, we had training with Todd and Branden, two of the missionaries we work with.  They prepared us with some strategic advice and encouragement for our ministry.  Then the girls cooked some delicious spaghetti, and we sat around the table for about an hour after finishing…you could call it “team bonding.”  We had many silly conversations and silly games such as “Mafia” and “Wink Murderer.”  The girls also had some shocking encounters involving the showers…:) something we like to call “sweet, hot, electric, water.”  Imagine those trick pens and gum packs that deliver tingly shocks to victims…We’re fine, but it has provided a lot of fear and laughs.  Yesterday was our first ministry day.  We split up into two groups; one at Molepolole Baptist and the other at Calvary Baptist.  Those groups split down further and translaters joined each.  We spent several hours prayer walking and evangelizing, and there are many exciting stories!  Some will have to be saved for later, but a few of our team members were able to pray with people who decided to follow Jesus! Later that evening we looked at the stars and worshipped together, joined by some workers at the Lodge.  Today was another day of ministry, and relationships were furthered and we had more adventures spreading the gospel.  Rachel and Logan had a particularly intersting adventure… There was a funeral coming up, and here, funerals are big events with a lot of preparation.  Like, 1,000 people.  So Logan and Rachel witnessed some nationals skinning and gutting bulls!  Jonathan and Hunter ended up helping.  Logan helped prepare some bread that we later ate–delicious.  Hope and Megan and Bryan had adventures in another part of the village… They revisited a boy on his birthday (Tatayaone), and he accepted Christ!  They also seemingly offended a woman walking with sticks on her head.  Hope and Megan were taking pictures and she started yelling at them.  Apparently she was kidding, haha, and then Bryan started carrying the sticks on his head.  Tyler and Matt have been working with the pastor of Calvary Baptist going door to door.  They gave their testimonies, and the kids have enjoyed seeing their pictures on Tyler’s camera.  By the way, keeping the number of pictures under 1,000 isn’t going to happen! Oh, and to all the kids at CSCC, hope you had a fantastic week and know I (the best teacher ever: tyler) miss you. Jonathan and Hunter: Nearly trampled by donkeys, debated evolution, talked to soldiers, talked to mothers, prayed as they walked, discipled others, rocked the Setswana language.  Emily and Danis met a lot of brothers and sisters in Christ, but they were also a part of a couple of people’s decisions to follow Christ!  Emily likes to get hit by trees with thorns on them.  Danis likes to feed a boy named Cupcake/Paluko and was almost sold a child today.  Start getting an extra bedroom ready, David! 🙂

Tonight is pizza night at the Davis’s! WOOOOHOO! We are about to have worships time, so we will see you later!  Please keep praying that God will be glorified in us!



Ps: to all the kids at CSCC, have a great week and

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8 Responses to Shocking Developments…

  1. Chris Gravatt says:

    Oh my gosh. I am so excited for you all! It sounds like a lot of fun, and God already seems to be working powerfully. I can’t wait to hear more and see pictures! I’ll keep praying, God bless you all.

    • Gramma (English) says:

      Wow! Sounds like God is really working through you guys! Tyler, can’t wait to see the pics! I’m praying for you everyday, all day – keep up the good work and share all you can! Rachel, I’m so proud of you for hanging in there with the bull skinning and gutting! (Phil 4:13!)
      Love you guys and praying for all of you!

  2. Madison says:

    These stories were amazing and hilarious!!! I loved every minute reading this and smiled the whole time! I’m missing all of you greatly and keep up this amazing work ya’ll are doing! Can’t wait to hear more stories and see these amazing pictures! I love you B-Team!!!!!!!!

  3. Andrew Creighton says:

    Wow is all i have to say!!! Can’t wait to hear more stories… oh Hunter and Jonathan… did you eat the bull too? and did you eat all the “good” stuff?



  4. dillon :) says:

    Really Bryan? You put sticks on your head? Somehow I can see that happening (:
    Megan, I miss you sooo much – we continually say after something funny happens “I wish Megan was here”. The other day at sheetz (shocking we were there, right? haha) someone pulled up and when this girl went back to her car her shirt said “I love my job”, I literally yelled “MEGAN!!”, only looking like a fool, had a brain fart and forgot you were in Africa. I love you girly!!
    Africa Team – the stories are amazing and I am so happy things are going well. I am continually praying for you guys and yall are always on my mind. Keep up the great work guys!!
    -dillon (:

  5. Kelly, Greg and Brendan says:

    B Team – awesome update! So glad to hear you are really getting a chance to share Christ’s Love and be a part of the culture! Tyler – your kids ask about you every day…even little Taylor Hale asks about you! We really are excited about all God is allowing you to be a part of and how he is using each of you! Keep it up! You are in our prayers constantly!

  6. Katy Cutchins says:

    I’m glad no one was hurt by the electric water and I am so glad I was not there for the bull and goat skinning!!! But thrilled by what God is doin through you all!! He is a good and loving God who doesn’t want anyone to perish!!! I will continue to pray for all of you and I am confident that the harvest will increase through you all and through the lives of those who have decided to follow Jesus.!!!

    Hope, Daddy and I had dinner with Gladys last night. She is doing well.
    Bryan is going to Sweden today!
    The most exciting thing this week was watching the Mad Science guy shoot off 3 rockets for the daycare kids on Friday. They all got stuck in trees, but it was pretty cool! Tyler should have been there!
    Love you and Miss you,

  7. Laurie Spiers says:

    Logan, Can definitely see you watching the bull gutting & skinning! We’re packing for vacation. It won’t be the same without you. Bryan, I saw Evan at the Rec Center on Friday and he’s practicing his air hockey skills and plans on beating you when you get home! Sounds like the team is having a great time and enlarging the Kingdom at the same time. It’s exciting to read all you guys are doing. Keep it up! Stay safe and Ladies, wear flip flops in the shower! B-Team, we’re praying for you.

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