Not the official update

So the official update is coming soon…and God is doing amazing things in and through our team…and…Penny…I’m sorry we got cut off last night, I will try to talk to you soon….don’t worry! No matter what it takes, I WILL FIND YOU!!!! I love you, Bryan

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11 Responses to Not the official update

  1. Penny says:

    I love you Bryan! The kids and I are doing very well and I understand about the phone situation. I am not worried I know you are in good hands…but I sure do miss hearing your voice! The kids and I have had a good day and tonight we are meeting my parents for dinner at Red Robin so Evan is very excited. Your dad called last night to check on us and see if you made it safely. Evan told me the other day that daddy was his best pal and he misses u! He made a picture for you and hung it on the fridge for when you get back. Addie misses you also! I am praying for you, the group and the people of Botswana. I hope we can talk soon!! I love you and miss you!!!!


  2. Jordan says:

    Hey B-Team!!!
    I hope you’re having a fabulous time in Botswana!! Enjoy every second of Africa! Remember we all love you, we’re thinking about you and praying for you everyday!

    Mi hermana….I miss your face!!!! I’m sitting here watching OTH on SoapNet. You’re jealous I know 🙂 I went to the basketball game on tuesday, and you guys almost lost to King William, but you pulled through. Chandler filled in for you and she was awesome. I can’t wait for you to get back! I love you!!


    P.S. Bryan, that note to Penny was ADORABLE!!!!!

  3. Donnie & Abby & Corey says:

    Hey Y’all,
    We are getting a small rain shower today!!! Yahoo!!
    We know you are busy as all get out and stopping to blog is hard. Can’t wait to hear more.
    Abby, Donnie & Corey are going to be out of town a few days, so you may not hear from us till we get back.
    Keep up the GOD work!

  4. Anonymous says:

    megan gillespie you are the best!!!

  5. best friend says:

    megan gillespie you are the bestest!!!

  6. Tanner Goins says:

    hey, miss you guys so much hope your having a great time (:

  7. Madison says:

    Alright Logan….

    Sarah Simmons let me borrow her 1, 2, and 4 One Tree Hill seasons. SOO! When you get back, I’m gonna need 3, 5, 6, and 7. and by the way… I’M ADDICTED!!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!! and I’m only on episode 3 right now. haha! Can’t wait till your back so when you talk about it, I will know exactly what you are saying! haha! 🙂

    Hope you are loving every minute in Africa!

  8. Jordan says:

    Mi hermana….we get a full season of 22 episodes 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Just thought I’d let you know…


  9. Mary Catherine says:

    (read the greeting like robin Williams in good morning Vietnam)

    Gooooood mooornin’ BOTSWANA!!!!!

    So weird to not be with y’all on missions but God knew what he was doing calling me elsewhere….. how bout my little Lyme diseased self traipsing about Africa ….. Tra la la …. I think not. (bryan look around suspiciously)

    also forgive me for slacking in blogland here. I’ve been slave girl as per usual.

    Let me tell you a story…. Today me and my parents were headed to Asheville nc with a couple of dads pharmacist buddies. Well the two of them carpooled with one of their girlfriends to meet us. She ran the seat up to drive not knowing there was a loaded handgun under the seat. When the guy got back in the seat he went to run the seat back jamming the gun into the track and causing the seat to swivel and face the passenger! Ha ha. they then had to pry the loaded gun out by the barrel. Somehow this was a hilarious experience. Or is it an hilarious experience. Help me out the hope doe.

    Here’s to hoping Your experiences are all the right kind of exciting. More to come I promise. With shout outs and all.

    Oh yeah. Change your underwear. And check for ticks.

    Love you guys, Mary Catherine

  10. Rachel Phillips says:

    Hey B-Team –
    I know you are all having an amazing time and the God is working in each of you. I’m a little jealous – I mean, AFRICA! We are keeping you prayed for and thought about and I can’t wait for all the stories/pictures. Be safe but be bold – write it down so you remember it all. Love ya much, Rachel Phillips

  11. Kelly, Greg and Brendan says:

    Tyler, congrats on the film festival. I believe I read that you guys won. Or at least won something / category! Love , Dad

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