Dear Encouragers,

Where do you get off being so supportive? 🙂

Thanks for all the comments and prayers!  Praise God, because we have arrived safely with all of our luggage.  It was a long tiring journey, but it was worth it.  We had our first home-cooked meal in Africa with the Davis family and the Warner family and some of the other missionaries we will be working with.  It was absolutely delicious, and the fellowship was very encouraging.  We are all looking forward to see what God will surprise us with, and praying that our theme, “Your Kingdom Come,” will be realized in many ways.  Thank you for your prayers and continued support.  We’ll update again soon! 


The B-Team

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19 Responses to Dear Encouragers,

  1. Kelly, Greg and Brendan says:

    Great to hear you made it with the luggage!! Get some rest tonight and then go love…love…love the people of Botswana!

  2. David and Tanner Goins says:

    Hey, Please say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Hunter for Tanner and me. I can’t believe he is 20 now, WOW. It is a family tradition for him to get a spanking from everyone, just kidding. So Glad all of the luggage made it to Joburg on your flight. I sure wish I could be there with you. Please say a big Hello to the Davis family for us. Tell Danis I only cried for 45 minutes before I could fall asleep last night because I missed her so much.
    I hope and pray that the B Team has great success while you are doing your mission work. Touch some hearts, hopefully you will see them in Heaven one day.
    David and Tanner

  3. Andrew Creighton says:

    Don’t forget to change your underpants! HAHAHA!!! Happy b-day Hunter…your old! We’re all prayin for y’all here at Smith Mtn. Lake and will continue to check the blog.



  4. Mo-n-Alisa says:

    Praise God you made it safe with all your luggage. We will be praying for God to prepare the hearts of the people you will be encountering during your trip. We thank God for your faithful commitment to evangelism and sharing your stories all over the world. Remember you are powerful when you are walking in the Spirit! Walk in His grace and truth as you go out and His Word will not return void.

  5. Donnie Thompson says:

    Hay B Team,
    So glad your have arrived safely. Want to hear about connections.
    Happy birthday Hunter!
    You’ve been gone one day and already I am trying to figure out what I will do without the Thompson twins here.
    Can’t wait to here stories of African beauty, culture and contacts you will be making.
    We love you all!
    Donnie Thompson

  6. D. Ray Davis says:

    Dumelang bo ra le bo mma! Ke leboga thata, Modimo. Salang sentle!

  7. Bradley's says:

    Jonathan: Jennifer says she misses and loves you and can’t for you to get back so she can go to the beach so rest on the plan so you can play with her. Jennifer told her friends at Goddard that you were in Africa teaching people about Jesus and they thought that was cool. She hopes you get back soon.
    Mom, Dad, & Jamie miss you too. Stay safe.

  8. David Spiers says:

    Logan – We are soooo proud of you and the team. Stay focused on Him and His path for you. Stay aware of the little things He’s gonna put in your path. I’ve been prompted to pray for those “little things”. I’m believing you’re gonna have a long list of “little things” to share.

    Oh, by the way… the Red Car is not lonely. I had forgotten how nice it was to ride with AC.

    We love you and are constantly praying for you.

  9. Holly Phillips says:

    hello world travelers for Christ!!! can’t wait to hear how your mission is going!!! know that prayers are going up for you, your mission, those you will be reaching, and for your continued faithfulness to the call of Chist!!! love you!!! holly phillips(emily and matthews auntie!)

    Say Jambo to Jesus everyyydayyy he listens when you pray 🙂
    I hope ya’ll are having such a wonderful time in botswana! I know God is already using you in so many great ways! And Bryan, I’m not following that hourly thing too well! Because i sleep most of the hours i’m supposed to be praying! But hey what can i say! I’m a teen and it’s the summmatime!! But anyways! Hello to all my firends 🙂 and Hunter happy (late) b day! Have a great day in Africa today ya’ll and take A LOT of pictures for me to see when you come home! I leave for Penn. today so i might not be able to blog as often as i’d like to, but who knows, there might be a cool little computer room there for me to use at the hotel! Byeee friends! HAVE FUN! 🙂

  11. dillonnn (: says:

    We all miss you so much and can’t wait to hear all the stories from Africa!
    This is your daily post from your best friend 🙂 I love you so much and am so proud of you and all you’re doing over there. Be a light to the people, and I know you will put a smile on their face (proabably by triping on a rock or something) haha (:
    Stay safe Africa team, I am constantly praying for you guys!
    PS – Megan, I can’t wait to see the pics of your outfits everyday (: (: (:

  12. Madison says:

    Hey Bryan!

    Evan and Addie were ABSOLUTELY adorable like always today! We walked to the church and played air hockey (Evan got really frustrated when Addie would take the puck and walk away from the game) haha! 🙂 They also ran many many laps around the track! Which means nap time! YAY!

    Hope you are having an amazing trip! Can’t wait till you get back!
    Keep working hard B-Team!

  13. Pam O'Brien says:

    Hi world travellers!!! Hi Emily T from Emily O!!! We are praying for you and your team and can’t wait to hear about your adventures when you return!!!

  14. Laurie Spiers says:

    Logan, Hope you had a great 1st day! The CS girls BB team won their game. It was the “Wendy” show, but Audrey hit a key free throw. Can’t wait to see the pictures and hear the stories. We’re praying for you and those you’ll meet. Looking forward to your next update. Stay safe and listen to that still small voice.

  15. Bradley's says:

    Hello B-team Greetings from the leader of the A-team hope your first day of ministry went well. Keep focused on Gods plan and purpose on being there look for people God will put in your path, that you may not expect and be ready to share what God has laid on your heart and you have trained for. Bryan keep (BA) or in your case (JB) out of trouble and have the twins use their super powers you all have been well trained and as leader of A-team I should know, I look forward to hearing what God is doing on this trip.
    Your brother in Christ (Hannibl)

  16. Karen Langley says:

    Hey B- team…..
    So is it wrong of me to say I love reading this blog- it’s like facebook updates on overload. What a great support group you guys all have. It’s uplifting to me, and I’m sitting here in my AC- and not across the big pond. Amazing to think all these months of prayer and prep now has you in the mode of “Accomplishing” It’s so exciting to sit and wait and anticipate what God has in store for you guys!!! . Luv how God had his plans laid out long before you ever thought of them!!!!!

    So I wanted to give a shout out to all my “girlz” – so I was thinking since Bradley wants to be the A-team, I’ll be the G-team. Go Girlz….. Okay I can hear Jonathan rumbling now….. SO let me just say I care about you guys too!!!! I’m even a little sad I’m not there to share in all your great works for our mighty LORD!!! So just do me this favor, etch it all in your mind, take some great photos, and send us back some amazing updates……. I can’t wait to hear about every detail!!!!! Be safe and look up at those amazing stars every night (that’s from Jimmy- he knows they must look better there without all this light pollution) You do us all proud………Go B-TEAM GO

  17. Madison says:

    I am seriously missing my girls right now!!!!!!

    E.T.- Hey girl, so I heard the song “Count Me In” the other day and thought of you!
    Logan- I still don’t have my One Tree Hill season one yet…..
    Hope- I love you girl!!!!! Hope you are having an amazing experience. And FYI: everytime I say your name I say it with a billion “o”s. like this… Hooooooooooooooope!


    • Madison says:

      to the rest of ya’ll…..

      keep working hard! God has SOO many more plans for ya’ll! I have no idea what you are doing during the days, but I know it has to be pretty amazing!

      Throughout the day, I will look at the clock and right now it says 10:37pm and I count 6 hours ahead and say OH MY GOODNESS! right now in Africa it’s 4:37am! CRAZY! I hope ya’ll are not too terribly tired! Hang in there! Continuing to pray…miss you guys!

  18. Rachel saunders says:

    Hello friends! I hope Africa is treating everyone well and that you all are having so much fun! I miss y’all and I’m sure god is using you every moment in some amazing moments that will follow you for the rest of your life! Have fun today…not sure of the time difference between us but it’s 10 12 am here now! Bye for now friends and y’all are in my thoughts and prayers!!

    Love, Rachel!!!

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